Roofing Company in Dallas

Questions homeowners need to ask before allowing anyone on their roof:

  • Is the roofing contractor in good standing with the Better Business Bureau?
  • How many years of experience do they have as a roofing contactor in North Texas?
  • Are they insured? Ask for a certificate of insurance.
  • Where is the roofing company located?
  • What is their warranty on labor? What is the manufacturer’s warranty?
  • Do they have credit references? Customer references?
  • Which roofing manufacturers are they certified to sell?
  • Are they asking for money upfront? If so, is it just for materials after delivered to your project locations?
  • Is the bid significantly lower than others? Why? Be careful to not pay more later by hiring a contractor that is uninsured, performs substandard work, is potentialy using stolen materials, and/or leaves North Texas after the storms do.
Roofing Company in Dallas